What To Do And What Not To Do After Ear Wax Removal - Welling Ear Wax Clinic (2025)

What To Do And What Not To Do After Ear Wax Removal - Welling Ear Wax Clinic (1)

/ ear microsuction / By Des Dhesi

While ear wax, otherwise known as cerumen, is a natural occurrence, and usually falls out by itself, there are some instances in which it can accumulate and cause a blockage, infection, or worse. In this case, ear wax removal is often recommended to prevent damage and/or improve hearing.

If you have undergoneprofessional ear wax removal, you might be wondering what the next steps are regarding what you should and should not be doing.

In this blog article, we will explore everything that you need to know about ear wax removal and what to do after it.

Let’s get started!

There are numerous ways to remove ear wax, but one of the safest methods is microsuction. This approach uses a suction device to safely and easily remove excess ear wax without needing to expose the ear to water.

In particular, although the device itself can be noisy, the microsuction process is painless and quick. As a result, it is often recommended as the better choice than attempting to flush the wax out with water (ear irrigation), especially for those who have:

  • Middle ear infections (otitis media)
  • Had previous ear surgery
  • Holes or perforation in their eardrum
  • Cleft palates
  • Ear infections (acute otitis externa)
  • Had complications from previous ear irrigation

Is Ear Wax Removal Necessary?

For most people, ear wax does not need to be touched or removed. After all, the ear is a self-cleaning organ, meaning that maintenance is not required. You can simply wash your ears with water when you shower, and this is usually enough.

However, some individuals are more vulnerable to excess ear wax than others, and this can lead to medical issues, such as hearing loss. This is when you should seek help from a medical professional. If excess ear wax is diagnosed, it is likely that they will recommend ear wax removal with microsuction.

Who Is At Risk Of Excess Ear Wax?

Ear wax buildup can affect anyone, but it is more likely to be found in certain people. For instance, if you do any of the following, you might be contributing to the buildup of ear wax in your ear canal:

  • Use cotton buds or swabs to remove ear wax
  • Use swimming plugs or other ear plugs
  • Use hearing aids
  • Use earphones

Frequently inserting the above objects into your ear can cause ear wax to be pushed back, blocking your ears over time.

Additionally, some individuals may have health conditions that also contribute to the buildup of ear wax, such as:

  • Eczema
  • Osteoma or exostoses
  • Swimmer’s ear (external otitis)
  • Autoimmune diseases (lupus)
  • Narrow or hairy ear canals

The above health conditions can cause more ear wax to be produced than normal, which has the possibility of leading to ear wax buildup and blockage.

Age and injury can also cause excess ear wax. This is particularly the case given that ear wax becomes drier as you grow older, and injury can result in an overproduction of ear wax.

What Happens After Ear Wax Is Removed?

Once ear wax is removed, that feeling of fullness you might have been suffering from beforehand is highly likely to disappear. Given that excess ear wax can cause problems with hearing, ear wax removal is likely to lead to better hearing, as your ears will no be longer clogged with ear wax.

You might experience some side effects like:

  • Dizziness
  • Discomfort

These impacts are temporary and should subside soon after – driving is not advised after ear wax removal, especially if you are feeling dizzy. You should make appropriate travel arrangements before your treatment to ensure you have a safe way of getting home.

What Not To Do After Ear Wax Removal

After ear wax removal, it is important that you remain vigilant. This means you should take care to avoid:

  • Inserting cotton swabs or buds into your ear – this can lead to ear wax being pushed further back into your ear canal
  • Ear candles and other home remedies that are not advised by medical professionals
  • Overcleaning your ears
  • Overwetting your ears for four to five days after the procedure

As you can see, there are several things that you should not do after ear wax removal. By following the above advice, you will ensure you are less likely to experience excess ear wax in the future.

However, as mentioned previously, some individuals are simply genetically predisposed to an overaccumulation of ear wax, and might require frequent ear wax treatment once or twice a year. Our ear clinic for wax removal can advise you on what you need to post treatment after your appointment.

What Happens if Ear Wax Is Not Removed?

Microsuction is an effective ear wax removal method, so it is likely to remove all hardened ear wax inside your ear. In the event that some ear wax is left behind, it is recommended that you use oil drops to help soften the wax before coming in for another treatment.

If the ear wax is not affecting your hearing or daily life, you might be advised to simply continue using oil drops to soften the ear wax and allow it to fall out naturally. Your doctor can better advise you on this matter – it is crucial that you speak to a professional for more guidance.

Expert Ear Wax Removal at Welling Ear Wax Clinic

If you believe that your ears are being impacted by excess ear wax, Welling Ear Wax Clinic has got you covered. Our excess ear wax treatment in Bexley offers a quick, safe, and reliable method for ear wax removal, conducted by specialists. Additionally, our new ear wax clinic in Medway is now available for week night appointments.

Please feel free to get in touch with us today by giving us a call or dropping us an email.

What To Do And What Not To Do After Ear Wax Removal - Welling Ear Wax Clinic (2025)


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